Friday, May 15, 2015

Adventures of Romania Raccoon

We are almost through 2 months of our time here, and just the other day I realized that many people who are following us on our trip may have no idea why they keep seeing random posting and pictures with this Romania Raccoon creature. 

Philadelphia Airport 
Ready to board with Raccoon and Lucy

Let me first let me give a little disclaimer - Romania actually doesn't even have Raccoons so it makes the whole thing a little bit more interesting.  But it actually goes all the way back to the beginning of the year at In The Beginning Preschool.  Each student received a hand crocheted Raccoon along with a book.  When it came time for us to soon leave I was talking to the teachers about some way to keep in touch while we were gone.... maybe doing a "flat Stanley" type thing... but wanted to see their thoughts.... they loved the idea but then suggested the Raccoons!  We both loved the idea so that is what we decided we would do; We would take a Raccoon to Romania and they would have a Raccoon in the classroom to be called Richfield Raccoon.

Word of Life Castle
The Royal Staircase

Each week (or as we are able) we take pictures of Romania Racoon and we post them to facebook and tag her teachers.  They print out each picture and post it on a bulletin board at the school.  Then as they do things they post pictures for us to see.  It has been a really fun idea and it has helped Ella as she has missed her friends and missed school!
Check out that view of Budapest

Below are a few of our pictures from Romania Racoon's adventures in Romania.  He will have more adventures to come, even though school finishes up today.  Hope you also enjoy his adventures as much as we have.

Mommy & Me Match Day - too Bad Raccoon doesn't own any tye dye

Look at the orange apartments behind me, that is where I live

Flying High

Drying Rack - AKA our hideout!

Lunch in Lugoj

Shoe Shopping.... for everyone else but us! 

I even get to go to church at times

Making pie crust for our American Dinner night
American Football in Romania... you should see this

Go 89ers!!!

A castle just my size at the Mall playland

Hanging out at the Hello Kitty Store

Sleepover in the Poppy Room at the Conacul d'Archia 

Playing in our hideout at the apartment while Daddy is away today!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Labor Day In May

This past Friday was Labor Day here in Romania.  Many people leave the city for the weekend and head to see family or take vacations to the Black Sea (that sounds like a really cool place to visit, though it is a pretty long trip).  Sometimes the church has a picnic, but this year due to time and schedules that wasn't a possibility so we had a picnic at Mitspa House with Alexia, the Cocars, and a few college aged girls from the church.

Though it was to a be a day off to relax and enjoy.... it ended up being a bit of a work day, and let me tell you - we got a lot of work done.... while also enjoying some great Mici (Mesch as it is pronounced) which is a Romanian sausage they have on special occasions and chicken on the grill with some potatoes and a french cheese that was melted on top, and I was able to introduce them to some good American pasta salad!
Daniel working the grill, I was on Elliot the dog duty - he really wanted some Mici

Chicken and Mici

Enjoying our picnic lunch at Mitspa

After the meal, we were able to work on some details for our team that will be joining us in June.  We also had some time to sit and enjoy some chai (regular tea - not to be confused with our creamy spiced tea).  All in all it was a great day, and it was so fun to spend time with some of our new Romanian friends.  I also taught the girls how to use my camera..... so you may see an album of 100 plus pictures appear on facebook for their benefit.

Mowing the yard.... electric mowers take a bit more time. 

I should have taken a before and after picture - they weeded the whole thing

Da Regina - aka Yes Queen :)

Alexia learning from Oma how to plant a garden

Not sure if Ella was the best helper but she had fun! 

Crawling all over mommy - it's her new favorite pastime

Sammy, Alexia with Elliot the dog, and Yasmina (note - this is not how all their names are spelled but it is how they sound)