Speaking of raising money for the group, we have a number fund raising events coming up including a "Donation Basis" yard sale, Par 3 Golf Tournament, and a Soup Sale & Lunch. Also, a dinner theater, coffee sale, and "Tuesdays at Cruiser's Cafe" is included. I (Joel) am also doing a weight loss fund raiser. You can see more about that here & here.
Picture by Reflective Light |
We are also thankful to Nicole at Reflective Light Photography for taking family pics for us to use as a prayer card. We are hoping to get these out as soon as possible.
If you are interested in getting us to our goal financially, you could send a check (Romania Trip in the memo) to the church, RMC, 167 Church Street, Richfield, PA 17086 or you could give online (online donations are NOT tax deductible) at GoFundMe.com. Also, we are looking for prayer partners. If you would be willing to pray for us on our journey, please subscribe to this blog AND either comment below or contact us personally. Again, God is GOOD!