Monday, May 19, 2014

The Fundraising Begins

So . . . we began our "FORMAL" fundraising for our trip to Romania at the church yesterday.  We figure we need around $12,000 for our plane tickets and other travel, living expenses, (rent, electric, food, etc) and ministry expenses for our trip.  We don't want to be a burden on the couple we are staying/working with.  (We will tell you more about them in a future post.)  We are hoping to get this part finished as soon as possible (I am sure that's what all missionaries would like to do) so we can concentrate on helping the "team" that is going to meet us in June get their fundraising done.  Also, we want to be able to prepare in other aspects of our trip as well.  Our big push for the fundraising is the numbered envelope board.

Each person can take an envelope (or more than one).  The number on the envelope corresponds to the amount to be given.  i.e. If you take #57, you should put $57 in the envelope and put it in the offering or hand it in to the office.  If ALL the envelopes are taken and returned, we would have enough money for our trip AND a really good start for our team as well!  I think the total would be 20,100!  While we aren't sure if our church of 200+  families will be able to fill all of the envelopes, we are praying for a good response through this project.  

If you would be interested in giving financially for our trip, you could send donations to RMC, 167 Church Street, Richfield, PA  17086.  Write "Snyder's Romania Trip" in the memo.  Or, if you would like to give online (not tax deductible) you could check this option out as well:

We have already been blessed by many people who have donated or have pledged to donate.  Thank you all for your generous gifts!  

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