Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Today's the Day

Over a year and a half ago, Aaron, our pastor, ask Jana and I if we would consider spending some length of time in another country working with missionaries who were supported by our church.  Today is the day we begin to fully realize how that question will change our lives and prayerfully the lives of others.  

Our view from our hotel - The Palace
As I sit in our hotel room at 8:30 AM (3:30 AM Pennsylvania time) and look over at the Hungarian palace waiting for our friends, Daniel & Mariana Cocar to arrive, I can't help to think about how God has worked to get us to this point.  This is actually my third trip to this beautiful city.  Twice before I visited with teams from RMC and Gospel Horn Ministries.  Those visits were valuable for me as I made great contacts that we utilized for this trip.  And, I won't go into all the details, but God has provided finances, a good travel agency, a place to stay while in Romania, a great team coming to meet us in June and so much more! 

The past couple of weeks have been challenging but God continues to provide.  On Sunday at church here we spent time in Psalm 74, which was more confirmation that God is in control.  

Leaving the Word of Life, Hungary Castle
Please continue to pray for us as we move into our "home" for the next three months.  We are looking forward,then to getting into being helpful to the ministry in Timisora.  Please continue to follow us here as we report about our time serving in Romania.  


  1. I am so glad for all of you to have this experience and look forward to seeing all that God does!

    1. Thanks Sandy. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
